2018年1月14日 星期日

《英文文法有道理》的put out及其回應


對於讀者的提問,劉老師說:「What I wanted to emphasize in the book is that the two elements go together to form ONE verbal concept. Their meaning is clear when they go together. If you say 'I put the fire out', it may be mistaken as 'put something out' (so that it can be seen).」(見紅框處)

但問題來了,劉老師回應的時候是說「 If you say 'I put the fire out', it may be mistaken as 'put something out'」,然而書上可不是這麼寫喔:

照書上的寫法,明顯是認定「put out」當「撲滅」時不可分開,否則就會變成「把火拿出來」。

建議在旁邊加註:「雖然put out可分開,但分開的寫法解讀時會有歧異,還是不分開,寫『put out the fire』為佳」。


劉老師說「being taught」是「which has been taught」的減化,然而國外網友有不同的看法(該網友是英國人,母語為英語,也是英文老師):


After the discussion, we came to the conclusion that teachers normally equip more or less the same depth of knowledge on the subject being taught, but what makes them
drastically different from one another are the different ways they delivered the same
knowledge and how they care about the learning of their students.
為什麼會問這個問題呢?因為我認為就意思來說,"being taught"理解成「現在進行式+被動語態」比較合適,或者直接寫"taught",不要進行式也可以,相較來說,我想不出用現在完成式的理由,而且如果是「which has been taught」,應該減化成「having been taught」比較合理吧。